Complaint UK

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London Electricity

As a result of persistent inefficiency and incompetence from London Electricity(!) in June 2002 I applied to transfer the gas supply of my accommodation from it to SEEBOARD. I received a letter from SEEBOARD dated 2 August 2002 infomring me that my gas supply would indeed be transferred to it wef 12 August 2002. In order to ensure that I would not be double charged for the period nor have my gas supply cut off prematurely I contacted London Electricity to confirm the details of the transfer. I was informed by a Carol McCormick of london Electricity that "Unfortunately we have not received any transfer requests from SEEboard or any other company. We are therefore still supplying gas to your property."

Upon contacting Energywatch a John Sinclair conformed that "Seeboard did indeed take over your supply on the 12th August. Lon Elec will be aware of this and you will not be doubled billed by both suppliers."

I notified London Electricity of this but as of September 13 2002 have still not had the courtesy of a response or acknowledgement.

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